About Danica

Katie Cross Photography

Danica was born and raised in Vancouver, BC, Canada. She was immersed in an active lifestyle from a very young age, spending time walking in the forest and skiing on the mountains. As a young adult, Danica kept active as a competitive softball pitcher, skier, volleyball player and dabbled in other activities such as running, track and field, and aerobics classes. At 14 years old, she started to join her Mom for group aerobic step classes as well as yoga classes, and started to become more aware of the benefits of such opposing activities for her physical and mental health. Her awareness grew into a passion for fitness related to health, and she went on to complete a Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Health Physiology at the University of Calgary.

Her parents raised her with healthy eating habits, and by her choice, she spent over a decade as a young vegetarian. During her Kinesiology degree, she learned more about nutrition for athletes, and as an adult adopted a diet focused on balance, with a strong emphasis on protein, from predominantly whole foods. Today, her family eats mostly organic produce and hormone- and antibiotic-free meat, and they love their daily plant-based protein smoothies!

Danica became a mother in 2014, and she became acutely aware of what she putting IN her body and ON her body, to protect her baby. As she began to do more research, she realised that it was extremely difficult to understand ingredient labels and the safety of personal care products and cosmetics. She was introduced to Beautycounter in 2016, and she felt a great sense of relief knowing that she could use products on herself and her family that were not going to harm their health (and she no longer needed to read the label). She felt compelled to join the mission to get safer products into the hands of everyone, and within a year became a Founding Member of the company.

Along with teaching elementary Health and Physical Education in Vancouver, Danica also runs a business with Beautycounter educating about ingredient safety in personal care products, advocating for more health-protective regulations in Canada, and mentoring a team of like-minded passionate women.

Danica hopes to be able to share what she has learned throughout her education and experience about active living, healthy habits, and clean beauty. Join her in living a healthy, active and clean life!

email: danica@knowbetterlife.ca
instagram: @knowbetterlife


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