Blonde woman with sunglasses looking up to the sun holding sunscreen in her hand.

5 essential sun safety tips

As summer arrives and the weather heats up, it’s important to remember the significance of sun safety. Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is crucial for maintaining healthy and youthful skin, as well as reducing the risk of skin cancer. In this blog post, we will discuss some essential sun safety tips and introduce you to our favourite mineral sunscreens, a reliable and effective option to shield your skin from the sun’s damaging effects during the hottest hours of the day.

Sun Safety 101

Understand the Sun’s Rays: UV radiation is classified into three categories: UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin, contributing to premature aging and skin damage. UVB rays are the main cause of sunburns, while UVC rays are mostly absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere. When selecting a sunscreen, ensure that it provides broad-spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB rays.

Seek Shade During Peak Hours: The sun’s rays are the strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., so it’s advisable to seek shade during this time. If you must be outside, try to limit direct sun exposure by staying under an umbrella, tree, or wearing protective clothing like wide-brimmed hats and lightweight, long-sleeved clothing.

How to protect properly

Apply Sunscreen Properly: For optimal protection, apply sunscreen generously to all exposed areas of your body at least 15-30 minutes before sun exposure. Don’t forget easily overlooked areas such as ears, neck, back of the hands, and feet. Remember to reapply every two hours, or more frequently if you are swimming or sweating excessively.

Choose a Suitable SPF: Sun Protection Factor (SPF) indicates the level of protection against UVB rays. It is recommended to use a sunscreen with at least SPF 30, which blocks about 97% of UVB radiation. Higher SPFs provide marginally more protection, but no sunscreen can offer 100% protection. Reapplication is vital for adequate protection, regardless of the SPF level.

Use Protective Accessories: Accessorize smartly to enhance your sun protection. Sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection shield your eyes from harmful rays and reduce the risk of cataracts. Additionally, lip balms with SPF protection can safeguard your lips from sunburn and drying.

Choosing a safe sunscreen

Not all sunscreens are created equal. Conventional sunscreens use chemical active ingredients to chemically alter the sun’s rays as they penetrate your skin. The most significant health concern with these sunscreens is that the chemical ingredients seep into your bloodstream and may be deemed unsafe. Common conventional brands like Coppertone, Banana Boat and Ombrell use chemical active ingredients, and even some of the more contemporary brands, like Supergroup, do too.

When it comes to safer sun protection, choose a sun protector with mineral active ingredients that physically block the sun’s rays from penetrating and damaging your skin. Our favourite sunscreen products are formulated with non-nano zinc oxide, a mineral sunscreen ingredient that sits on top of the skin to physically block both UVA and UVB rays. We also love that they don’t feel heavy or leave any white residue on your skin.

The best mineral sunscreen

Here are three safer sunscreen options to consider:

Countersun Daily Sheer Defense for Face : This SPF 25 facial sunscreen is your daily go-to for guarding against the sun’s damaging rays. This lightweight lotion provides an effective shield from UVA and UVB rays and easily blends onto the skin without a chalky white cast. Chicory root extract supports the skin’s moisture barrier to lock in hydration.

Countersun Mineral Sunscreen Lotion SPF 30: This lightweight and non-greasy sunscreen offers broad-spectrum protection with an SPF of 30. It is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. The Countersun Mineral Sunscreen Lotion is formulated with clean ingredients, free from harmful chemicals like oxybenzone and octinoxate, ensuring the utmost safety for you and the environment.

Dew Skin Tinted Moisturizer SPF 20: If you prefer a multi-purpose product, Dew Skin Tinted Moisturizer is an excellent choice. It provides sheer coverage, evens out skin tone, and offers SPF 20 sun protection. This tinted moisturizer contains hyaluronic acid and black currant seed oil, which hydrate and nourish the skin while safeguarding it from the sun.

Enjoy summer responsibly

Prioritizing sun safety is crucial for maintaining healthy skin and reducing the risk of sun damage and skin cancer. By following the sun safety tips mentioned above and using a reliable, safe sunscreen like our favourite options above, you can enjoy the sun’s warmth while keeping your skin protected. Remember, an investment in sun protection is an investment in your long-term skin health. Stay safe and enjoy the summer responsibly!

For more on how to beat the heat this summer, check out these tips on our blog!