8 easy ways to drink more water

How to Stay Hydrated Every Day with These 8 Tips

If you want to stay hydrated, feel your best, have glowing skin, stabilize your weight, and keep every cell in your body alive, you need plenty of water. In order to do so, you can obtain the water you need from the fluids you consume and the food that you eat. Water needs vary in each person, in different climates or seasons, and with varying activity levels.

A common guideline for drinking enough water every day has always been about 2L or half a gallon for adults, however most current healthcare providers will assure you that you need more than that for optimal health. As a general rule, most adult women will aim for 2 to 3 litres (67 to 101 ounces) of water per day, while males between 3 to 4 litres (101 to 135 ounces) of water every day. 

Here are easy ways to drink more water every day:

Start each day with a full glass

Keep a glass by the first place you rise to in the morning (for example, your bedside table, bathroom or kitchen counter). Fill it with fresh, room temperature water and enjoy starting your day feeling hydrated.

Set a water goal

Based on your climate, season and activity level, choose a water goal and commit to it! In the hotter months or with more activity, you will want to increase your water intake. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your healthcare provider about an appropriate daily goal.

Track it

Now that you have a goal to reach, you need to track it! A large bottle that needs to be filled infrequently is an easy way to track. If you have a smaller bottle or tall glass, wrap it with elastics; each elastic equates to a full glass of water. Each time your drink your full glass, remove one elastic. At the end of the day you should have no elastics on your bottle or glass, if you’ve reached your water goal.

Check your urine

You will know that you are adequately hydrated if your urine is pale yellow in colour. If it is dark yellow, you likely need more water. Brown or red urine means you should check with your healthcare provider. However, if it is always clear, you may want to ensure that you are not over hydrating!

Add ice to your drinks

If you are making a smoothie, add ice. Drinking a juice, pour it into a glass with ice. Glass of wine? Add ice. You get the idea here!

Drink a glass before each meal

This pro tip aids in digestion and with your gut health, and can also assist in weight management. Starting your meal with water first ensures that you are staying hydrated, and will likely have you feeling full faster.

Set a reminder

If you are on-the-go or have a busy day, set reminders in your phone to drink water! This is also a great opportunity to take a controlled breathing break to boost your energy and calm your nervous system. 

Add some natural flavour

Water is tasteless and can be unappealing day-after-day. Add any of these fruits to your glass or water bottle to give it some flavour:

  • Fresh lemon
  • Fresh lime
  • Cucumber
  • Frozen berries
  • Frozen peaches
Drinking water and staying hydrated can be simple!

Adequate water consumption is important for your health. So, if you have noticed signs of dehydration (ex. dry mouth, cracked lips, dark urine, headache) you will need to commit to your daily water goal for more than a few days to reduce your symptoms, and to start to feel hydrated. As a result, drinking plenty of water is a healthy life-long habit that will optimize your overall health and improve your well-being.