Beat The Heat With These Safer Summer Tips

Who is else sweating through this summer?! The weather has been unusually hot across Canada, and particularly so on the Westcoast, where we are used to a temperate climate (i.e. almost no one has air conditioners).

If you are looking for a variety of ways to stay cool—whether it be to lower your body temperature, keep hydrated or protect yourself from the heat – here are my safer summer tips for staying cool:

WATERMELON – Helps with hydration (over 90% water) plus has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Whole Foods sells these mini melon heads for $5 and they are SO full of flavor!

PEPPERMINT – talk to my oil guru Annika Buckle and she will tell you her cure-all for heat is peppermint. Add a drop to your water to cool down your internal furnace.

ELECTROLYTES – these little tabs from @nuunhydration got me through labour and help with hydration in the heat. They break easily in half for smaller quantities of water. They are currently on sale at Whole Foods but they can be found at many grocery stores and pharmacies.

WATER – simple enough, but it’s easy to forget to drink water on hot days unless you carry around a bottle with you. I love these stainless steel ones from Starbucks that also double as a cup and are easy to clean.

MIST – This Balancing Mist from Beautycounter has charcoal and peppermint to absorb sweat and cool you down! Keep it in the fridge for an extra cool spritz. Pick it up here along with some sunscreen.

SUNBLOCK – CounterSun mineral sun protection is easy to apply with an air-powered spray, and protects against UVA, UVB and Blue Light without any harmful ingredients.

MAGIC BAG – my toddler falls asleep every night with her head on her cool Magic Bag, straight from the freezer! Doubles as a heating bag in the winter.
Available locally at London Drugs or most pharmacies, and online on Amazon.