Welcome to Know Better Life

Welcome to Know Better Life! I am thrilled that you stopped by and I’m looking forward to learning together. I am a firm believer in education, and knowledge being our source of power. When you know better, you can do better. I also love a little play on words, and so that is how Know Better Life was born. There is no better life, so let’s make the most of it!

Know Better Life is a community of learning. You will find articles under Healthy Habits that encompass physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, as well as tips for motivation and goal-setting. Our Active Living section currently contains experiences and education related to family life and parenthood. More to come on fitness and youth sports… stay tuned! Under Clean Beauty you will learn about the importance of safe ingredients in your personal care products, skincare and cosmetics, some suggested solutions, and ways that we can all reduce our toxic load. 

I welcome your feedback and helpful hints, please leave your comments under the articles so that we can all learn and grow.

Here’s to lifelong learning! 

~ Danica Burpee

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better”. — Maya Angelou, American poet